How It Works

First, let us define what doesn’t work and why:

Most wave breakes are universally designed as wave barriers for oceans.

When these wave breaks are used in lakes, it creates more water resistance, thus more wakes.  (And, not to mention these types of wave breaks are usually high maintenance, especially in the winter.)

Factors, like the size of the channel, distance from the shore, vessel speed, and boat propeller size, all affect the wind and waves on lakes.  You can’t apply a universal design to two different problems.

IRON CURTAIN WAVE BREAK is especially engineered for the lake environment. And there is nothing else like it.


It’s designed to work with the natural flow of water in a lake, not against it.  It diffuses the wave and redirects the wave to create a zen-like state of calm.

It’s made of zinc galvanized steel.  Guaranteed not rust, and needs no winter maintenance.